SaaS Template: YouTube Scraper

Generate structured data from YouTube videos using Vercel AI SDK generateObject function.

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The YouTube scraping package (ytdl-core) works locally, but it will fail when deployed on services like Vercel or due to YouTube blocking scrapers (Error Status: 410). To overcome this for TubeData, I had to request users' YouTube Cookies and X-YouTube-Identity-Token—an unconventional workaround that isn't included in the template. Additionally, TubeData automatically generates a smart schema from the scraped data, which can be updated in a CRUD-like interface. However, this feature is also not part of this template.


YouTube Captions Scraper

Used the ytdl-core package to scrape YouTube captions.

Vercel AI SDK

Uses the 'generateObject' function to generate rows from the videos.

Feature Limits

Datasets are limited by the user's subscription plan.


SaaS MVP: Building a YouTube scraper from scratch

TubeData Launch: Extract data from YouTube videos

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TLDR: Usamos cookies para la selección de idioma, tema y analíticas. Ver más.