Customize Landing Page

  • Alexandro Martínez
    by Alexandro Martínez
    1.7 years ago
  • Goals:

    • Update the Header

    • Update the Hero

    • Update the Feature Images

    • Update the Testimonials

    • Update the Features

    • Update the Footer

    Landing Page Structure

    The landing page is defined at the app/routes/index.tsx route file.

    <div className="relative space-y-16 overflow-hidden bg-white text-gray-800 dark:bg-gray-900 dark:text-slate-200">
      <Hero socialProof={data.socialProof} />
      <LogoClouds />
      <FeatureImages />
      <Testimonials items={data.testimonials} socialProof={data.socialProof} />
      <Features />
      <FooterBlock />


    On every marketing/front page, you need to add the app/components/front/Header.tsx component to define your navigation structure.

    💿 Open the Header component file and add a new navigation item:

    const links: NavbarItemDto[] = [
        { path: "/", title: t("front.navbar.product") },
        { path: "/pricing", title: t("front.navbar.pricing") },
        { path: "/docs", title: "Docs", className: "" },
        { path: "/blog", title: "Blog", className: "hidden xl:block" },
    +    {
    +      title: "My navbar item",
    +      items: [
    +        { path: "/my-path-1", title: "Title 1", description: "Description 1" },
    +        { path: "/my-path-2", title: "Title 2", description: "Description 2" },
    +        { path: "/my-path-3", title: "Title 3", description: "Description 3" },
    +      ],
    +    },

    This will create a Flyout navbar item:

    Flyout item


    The Hero component uses translations.

    💿 Open the public/locales/en/translations.json file, and replace Easily Build Your Own SaaS to My new hero headline (which is the front.hero.headline1 i18n key).


    Feature Images

    The component FeatureImages lets you showcase your product.

    💿 Open the app/components/front/FeatureImages.tsx file and add a new feature:

    const featureImages = [
    +  {
    +    group: "My Feature Group",
    +    title: "Feature title",
    +    route: "/feature-route",
    +    src: "",
    +  },
    Feature images


    There are 2 main objectives with this section:

    • Social proof

    • Quote current customers

    For social proof, I actually use the GitHub API (at the app/utils/integrations/githubService.ts file) to get the current private repository members: used by X developers.

    And quotes are hard-coded at the app/utils/services/marketingService.ts file, with the getTestimonials function.

    Each testimonial has:

    • Company Name, URL, and Logo (light and dark mode)

    • Name, Avatar, Role, and their Twitter or personal website.

    • The Quote



    💿 Open the app/components/front/Features.tsx component and add a new section with 4 features.

    const groups = [
    +  {
    +    headline: "New section",
    +    subheadline: "Lorem",
    +    description: "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut...",
    +    items: [
    +      {
    +        name: "My feature 1",
    +        description: "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet...",
    +      },
    +      {
    +        name: "My feature 2",
    +        description: "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet...",
    +      },
    +      {
    +        name: "My feature 3",
    +        description: "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet...",
    +      },
    +      {
    +        name: "My feature 4",
    +        description: "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet...",
    +      },
    +    ],
    +  },


    Finally, we'll add an item to the footer.

    💿 Open the app/components/front/Footer.tsx component and add a link to the Blog.

    const navigation = {
      features1: [
    +    { name: "Blog", href: "/blog" },

    I hope this quick guide was useful! Let me know if you have any questions.

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